ADA Compliant Designed Furniture

MiEN Company products labeled ADA-compliant designed furniture strive to conform with the measurement and other specifications needed to satisfy the standards of the ADA and similar accessibility legislations. It’s important to note, though, that ultimate accessibility compliance is the responsibility of the purchaser. MiEN Company products might be shipped via third-party logistics or delivered directly, but MiEN Company does not install products and makes no guarantees, warranties, or assertions that any product, once sold, installed, and/or put into operation, complies with ADA or other accessibility requirements or otherwise fulfills any local, state, or federal laws or building codes.

We strongly advise you to consult with a licensed professional for advice related to your specific space, installation needs, and individualized circumstances in order to ensure adherence to applicable ADA compliance designed furniture requirements or any local, state, or federal laws or building codes.